why python is best for mobile app development

Akshay Nanjunda
2 min readJan 6, 2021


Python has got a lot of popularity in the last decade or so, reason being it is a secure programming language and has a lot of libraries to work around.Kivy has made it easy to create apps with this language.

The popular programming language is gained huge recognition among mobile app developers day-by-day. Kivy has made it easy to create apps with this language.

Coding the android application is far more easy in python making the development cycle short and easy making this go to choice for the android app developers for coding

Why python for mobile apps?

The reason that it has the lot of libraries and the ease of coding makes many coders to opt for python for mobile app development Mobile Apps are not only built on java and kotlin but also you can develop android apps through python using the framework called kavy which is easy to code

Factors to choose python for mobile app development

Python offers variety in its programming both on android and ios programming platforms and you dont have to rewrite the code in python which saves the max time

Modular working style

Python allows you to create different modules where the developers can work on each module and combine them at the latter or the final stage This helps to save time and is a hassle free approach

Pre built libraries

The python is know for vast prebuilt libraries and easy way of working These libraries makes the coding easy and minimum with lots of time saved Each and every library provides extensive support for the easy and fast way of working

Complete security

Using the application that is more secure is preferred and python is the language that stands out when it comes up to security The applications that are developed through python are less pron to hackers attack making the crucial data more secure and that is the reason for crucial apps are developed using python

Accelerates productivity

The coders choose python because of the vast library,modular designing which saves the time making the works faster and increasing the productivity in a secure way


Python has taken the mobile app development market place by storm and is the best available option for the mobile app development and we brillmindz one of the best mobile app development companies in dubai are experts in making the mobile apps using python



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