How To Create IOT Based Mobile App?
What Could be the next big thing in Mobile app development?,IOT yes it is Internet Of Things that is highly rising its popularity day by day and a essential for the future We Brillmindz one of the best mobile app development companies in Dubai many made many apps with IOT and are writing it out how to create one
Lets first look at what is IOT?
It is the collection that can be handled through internet from IOT based mobile apps or through Iot based softwares IOT works on the embedded technology to interact with the network of things that are connected to internet through the app or the software
How do we create the IOT App?
For creating the any app it is better to know the platform that can create the app you want and some of the platform that you can develop IOT apps are Homekit,Androidthings,ThingWorx,Xively and there are many other platforms that you can develop the app on.Androidthings that is a google platforms now supports devices from many vendors .HomeKit which is a Apple product has a set of devices that you developers can connect and these platforms are working to remove the inconsistency what ever is there and enabling to connect to maximum devices and other devices which donot come in Apple or Google’s network of devices can be connected using the API’s
Make Sure of the hardware you are choosing is correct
For IOT to work or for the success of IOT app connecting to the hardware is very important and you need to be very careful while choosing the hardware since it should be compatible with the device and the app you are creating so you should choose the hardware very carefully
It is important to have the Faster working apps
Apps that are created in IOT have to be fast IOT Usually works for the commands and if there was a delay in the reply you get from siri or google voice assistant when ever you look for a answer you would feel left out and faster working of the apps are very much needed when you are developing the IOT apps
Apps That you develop should be secure
Security is the at most feature for any app and with IOT at most care for the app you create should be taken since it connects to number of devices or the networks since usually the IOT apps that are created are vulnerable Some of the cautions that should be taken should be like choosing the proper hardware vendors,usage of known platforms and finally you should take care of all the security features that is to be taken for a normal app
IOT apps are the near feature and above is the way to create the futuristic app and we brillmindz one of the best mobile app development companies in dubai are capable enough to create one such app