How much does it cost to develop a parking app?

Akshay Nanjunda
3 min readFeb 22, 2021


Parking application is the need of the hour today for the reason of saving the time spent in searching for the parking and also saving money And for the mobile app development companies smart parking apps are the one which can be worked on

Now lets start discussing what all the features that a smart parking app needs to have

How does a parking app work?

For the parking apps the usbality should be easy and simple and what would the user expect from the parking app is


User searches the parking of the nearest location based on the GPS or by typing the area with in which the car needs to be parked the app should be able to list down all the areas that are available for parking


Once the parking areas are listed down of the specific area you should be able to select the parking lot of your preference ,while the preference that the app should be offering is according to the price or to the nearest location to which you are travelling in

Spot reservation:

Once the user decides on the parking space based on the distance and the price he should be able to book the parking immediately since the whole point of the parking app is to get the parking space reserved previously


Once you reserve the parking space at a particular location the option of the payment should be made available so that the user should be able to pay for the parking space through all the payment modes be it through online or through third party apps

Driving assistance

If the driver is well aware of the parking space in terms of route then there would be no issues on the other hand if the driver is not aware of the route to the parking location then app should be having the guide to reach the parking place

Above are the features that all the parking apps might but lets also discuss

What are the advanced features that a parking app can have?

Options of different cities: The parking apps would probably target a single city but if you are covering the alternative cities also then it can be considered as te advanced feature that the app can have leading to the success of the app

Heat map:The app should consider adding this feature because to show the traffic enroute to the parking place making sure the drivers could take the less traffic route to the parking area

Waiting list:considering the fact that the parking lot is completely occupied and there is user wanting park in the same parking space then the app should have the waiting list and should also notify the user when ever the parking space has emptied ans the user waiting can book the parking space

The above are the feature that can be a adon to the parking app features that can decide the success of the app But there are also other features that needs to be discussed

How much does it cost to build a app like Parking app?

The cost of the parking app highly depends on the client needs as they vary too much,it also depends on the time taken to develop and the size of the team and also the platform used to develop

How to monetize the app?

There are several ways that you can monetize the app be it through Ads or through the premium features or through the paid features


We have written out what are the features that a parking app should have and what features can make the parking app more successful and how to earn money through the app and we brillmindz one of the best mobile app development companies in dubai have the best team that can make one of the best parking apps according to the client needs



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