Advantages and disadvantages of rewriting the app

Akshay Nanjunda
3 min readFeb 15, 2021


Every one would be wondering what is app rewriting lets start with few details

What is app rewriting?

First off, let’s describe what the rewriting of projects really means. To make sure that we’re on the same page, this concept is important. There are already several posts discussing rewriting software projects. As a consequence, there are different meanings of what one sees as a rewrite.

There are two kind of rewriting pne is the complete rewiriting of the app and there is a partial rewiritng which can be annotated as reworking,revamping,adopting or porting, here we will be discussing about the complete rewrite of the app and rewrite doesnot mean that each and every line of the code has to be rewritten you can still use the bit and pieces of the existing code

Lets start discussing about the

Pros of rewriting the code from the scratch

Faster Modification

Rewriting the code means that you are changing the structure of the code also make sure that the new structure of the code makes the further rewriting easy and faster

Avoiding the past mistakes

Usually when you rewrite the code you will definitely recognise the mistake that had occurred in the previous code and correct them and this is a must when you are rewriting the code if not the whole idea of rewriting the code will go in vain

Refreshing the app design

While you are rewriting the app you also have a option to think on the app design and the modules and redesign them you have a chance to create a better user experience with the app and make sure that each and every step in the app is well understood by the user A good UX would make users automatically engaged

Rethink of app features

This is the most important benefit that you will have while rewriting the code make sure what are the feature that is not working that well in the app and what are the additional feature that are required for the success of the app and at this phase you can change what ever you want

These benefits makes the app rewriting beneficial but lets also discuss

Disadvantages of rewriting the code

Useful for the competitor

When you decide to rewrite the code it usually takes some amount of time say 3 months as a bare minimum for a mediums sized project and if you dont have the proper planning and the project is down at that point of time rewiriting it is like giving a free run for your competitor to dominate your market so rewriting has to be maintained very well

Time Consuming

Time is key for any project unless you encounter any major technical glitch or want to add major feature rewriting the whole app is a huge risk since it is very time consuming and make sure when you rewrite the entire code of the app the crucial problems are fixed

Rewrites good working features too

When you are on a path of rewriting the app from scratch there might be the you might end up rewriting the feature that were working really good and the newly rewritten code might effect the good working feature which is a huge set back so one has to be really careful rewriting the app making sure that the existing feature should not be affected

Previous fixes would go in vain

During the process of your app or project live there might be few bugs that come up and your development team might have fixed it and during the course of rewriting the app those previous bug fixes might not be considered and those fixes will be wasted


We have listed the pros and cons of rewriting the app so do consider these while you go ahead to rewrite the app and we brillmindz one of the best mobile app development companies in dubai have a dedicated team to rewrite the code taking these pros and cons into consideration



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